Harvey Hillock. As Gina wrote, “Everyone loved Harvey”,
and she could not be more right about that. Harvey was the
first TSR in the West to win the TSR of The Year Award
when I had the pleasure to present it to him. He will always
be remembered and loved by everyone.
That reminds me of a story Ray Bender told me about the
first sales person he ever encountered from Polychrome, when
Harvey called on him and said, “Why don’t you apply for the
Open Branch Manager’s job?”
Ray immediately applied for and got the job of Branch Manager
for Polychrome and never saw Harvey again. That is because
nobody ever saw Harvey in the office. Harvey was always making
sales calls. He just wanted to make sure he wouldn’t have to call on
Ray again.
Polychrome News has dug these pictures up, which Gina was kind
enough to provide, which shows Harvey at the office. He knew how
to work hard, as well as play hard. He also knew how to find those
free lunches, which is, after all, the purpose of this blog.
Thank you, Harvey. We will always love you!